Minority Cannabis Academy teaches skills for legal weed work

Eight-week program provides training for Black, Indigenous and people of color

New Jersey took in more than $4.6 million in tax revenue from the sale of recreational cannabis in just the first two months after the legal marketplace opened, with total sales between April 21 and June 30 reaching about $80 million. Industry leaders say the market is performing exactly as they expected and they say it will grow as more businesses come online and the cost of cannabis goes down.

Getting more people of color into the industry remains both a goal and a challenge. One program in Jersey City teaches Black, Indigenous and people of color critical technical skills to succeed in the business. Brendon Robinson, co-founder and president of the Minority Cannabis Academy, says the program is a way to get Black and brown communities, who are often left out out, involved in a growing industry that could ultimately create generational wealth.

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